Thursday, August 06, 2009

I was awarded by the divine Duchess of Rose Tea Cottage.

I believe this to be the most beautiful award that I've seen thus far.

Please stop by her blog to have a cup of tea and soak in the most delectable images of the entire blogosphere.

Duchess is the kindest of hostesses and graciously welcomes each visitor with open arms, tea and Laduree macaroons.

Do help yourself and join her for tea.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Desperately Seeking...

This post is nothing fancy, pretty or evn pleasant, but I need you all totake a moment to read.

A very dear friend of mine ad a horrific car accident early this morning. This friend has played a very important role in my little sister's life. Due to this relationship, he has also made it's way into my own life. He has been, in a way, my brother, for 12+ years. He has had many ups &downs, but through it all, I have loved him and wanted nothing bt the best forhim regardless of some poor choices on his part...

History aside, we need sincere prayer, well wishes, warm thoughts or whatever it is you can/are willing to give.

He works a third shift job. Yesterday, he did not sleep, as he should have, before going towork. He got off before 7am. He began to make his way home, but only got as far as a few miles away from his job before he fell asleep at the wheel and crashed. He was lucky. He survived and was rushed to the hospital to find that he had a few bad lacerations, lots of swelling on the left side of his head, and a concusion. I went to the E.R. to at least speak with his family since as the daughter of a doctor, I know only the immediate is allowed to go back with the patient. However, because of my name (thank you Daddy, and thank God), I was allowed back as he and his wife were being prepped to go home....... He looked better than what I expected, bt he remembered nothing. He's been given many chances to wake up, but has never taken those situations as such. I sincerely pray that this was IT. He could've died!!! He could've left his wife and children. He could've left us friends that love him dearly. He could have...

Please, do whatever it is that you do to help him come aout of this knowing that he has been blessed with life regardless of the consequences of this situation (3rd strike with no license - he will go to jail after this circumstance). I...we would really appreciate any kindness.

Thank you all for taking the time.

Good night.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Somewhere over the rainbow

Grrr... this is not what I had in mind for posts this weekend, but I'm sure we all know what it's like for things to not go exactly as planned.

Regardless, these are some of the best photos of a rainbow that I have ever taken...composition wise that is. :)

On a serious note, how many of you have seen a complete rainbow - one that touches from one side clear to the other side? This is my first so , clearly, I was overwhelmingly anxious about getting as many pictures as possible.

That in mind, here is a quick Picnik collage of the incredible rainbow we had the other day. It was, hands down, the biggest I have ever seen in my lifetime thus far.

And check out the cottoncandy clouds that followed. Beautiful, right? God is goooood.

To continue the romanticism that goes along with rainbows, I would like to share the toast my father gave at my wedding. I hope you have some tissues handy....

Yep, that's me!!!

Please let me know if you cannot click to enlarge photos since this is very necessary for you to be able to read the toast.

Thank you, lovelies!!! xoxo