Thursday, November 19, 2009

A little naughty, but oh-so-very-nice

So here they are, friends.
My favorite wedding photos e-v-e-r.
As you can see in the top one, we were being a bit naughty...or at least I was. ;)
I was very sweetly saying,
"Higher....higher....hiiiiigher....just a little bit more..."
Then in the second pic...
"Aaaaaah! Not that high!"

I love my hunnybunny so very much. We still have the best laughs, the snuggliest cuddles, the tenderest kisses, the tightest hugs, and the hottest.....arguments. (teehee) Best of all, we're even better at being a "boring ol'" married couple than bf & gf. Even our two girls say we're awesome! How great is that?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It's our anniversary!!!!!!!

Well, crap! I had some fantabulous wedding pictures to show you all, but my scanner is being a.....punk. So wish us a happy anniversary anyway, and tomorrow I will have them up & ready. (fingers crossed)

BTW, it's our second celebration of marriage, but we've been together for approx. 8. Phew! I think he loves me. ;)


Sunday, November 01, 2009

Okay. I know that I'm over an hour late, and I am totally stealing this idea from somebody else that blogged about it, BUT that is the most common form of flattery (right???) and it is still one of the most ridiculously funny SNL MADTV shorts.
So here it is!
"...and when I'm in this blood lust, I either have to kill people or spend money, it's horrible."