Monday, April 23, 2012

Raining Umbrellas: Lessons in Creativity by Vicki Dvorak

Hello lovelies! Long time, no write. I hope all is well with you. :)

For all you creative minds that still visit here, check out Vicki's amazing online course that is sure to spark some inspiration. I can speak from experience; this course is great especially for those who are in a bit of a creative slump i.e. mental block. That was my problem. It took advice from a fresh mind to encourage me to refocus.....actually expand my focus which helped me notice TONS of inspiration in my everyday life. I loved it.

If you sign up, let me know what you think! Vicki has informed me that she's added some new ideas and prompts.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Word of the Year

The Lettered Cottage

When I came across this post, I was instantly stoked. I thought "FINALLY"!!!

I am one of those kinds of people that is in constant need of motivation & inspiration in order to feel I am even capable of achieving my hopes, dreams, wishes & goals. I have a tendency to have the greatest of intentions, start a new project/habit/resolution, then totally drop the ball.

That said, I am always searching for quotes and words that can sum up a feeling I have or want to have. I am convinced that these inspiring words of wisdom help switch my brainwaves around into believing I CAN be consistent, persistent, confident and downright ballsy with my way of life. Nonstop fear of change, the unknown, and failure can be utterly debilitating to someone with a low self esteem. Just sayin'...

The word that lept into this little pea brain of mine was INTREPID.

I would love for anyone that still reads this blog to consider choosing their own "Word of the Year" with me. Leave a comment so I can be nosy and take a peek at your choice. Good luck & BEST WISHES to living everday with this word in mind. Cross your fingers that I do the same. :)